• Dorcas Ruth Circle @ 1:30 with Pat Chesnut
• Martha Circle @ 7 P.M. in Casey U.M.C.
Agenda: Make mincemeat.
• Esther Circle @ 7 P.M. in Adair.
• Adair U.M.W. at 1:30 P.M.
(Pat Chesnut's grandson)
• Deborah/Mary Circle @ 2 P.M. in Casey U.M.C.
Agenda: Election of officers.
Pastor Lynn goes on vacation in Minnesota for
"Women of Faith" event in St. Paul.
She will return Tuesday Morning, October 26th.
Voices speaking in these weeks of the new day were
speaking precisely to those who had themselves
experienced the worst of the "old day." These are
words of profound hope spoken to those who had
suffered - - or in the case of Joel, those who would
yet suffer in ways beyond their imagining.
JOEL 2:23-32
(The Message)
These verses speak of a restoration to come, and
later a time when God's Spirit would be poured
out on ALL flesh with simultaneous portents in
heaven and earth -- while the sky is dark and the
moon blood red, people of all ages and stations
will prophesy, see visions, and dream dreams:
Abundant crops, honor for the nation and an
outpouring of the Spirit of God on all the people,
abundant life physically, socially, and spiritually
. . . . But not for awhile.
23 Children of Zion, celebrate! Be glad in your God.
He's giving you a teacher to train you how to live right.
Teaching, like rain out of heaven, showers of words
to refresh and nourish your soul, just as he used to do.
24 And plenty of food for your body - silos full of grain,
casks of wine and barrels of olive oil.
25 "I'll make up for the years of the locust, the great
locust devastation - Locusts savage, locusts deadly,
fierce locusts, locusts of doom, That great locust
invasion I sent your way.
26 You'll eat your fill of good food. You'll be full of
praises to your God, The God who has set you back
on your heels in wonder.
Never again will my people be despised.
27 You'll know without question that I'm in the thick
of life with Israel, That I'm your God, yes, your God,
the one and only real God. Never again will my people
be despised.
28 "And that's just the beginning: After that - "I will
pour out my Spirit on every kind of people: Your sons
will prophesy, also your daughters. Your old men will
dream, your young men will see visions.
29 I'll even pour out my Spirit on the servants, men and
women both.
30 I'll set wonders in the sky above and signs on the
earth below: Blood and fire and billowing smoke,
31 the sun turning black and the moon blood-red,
tremendous and awesome.
32 Whoever calls, 'Help, God!' gets help. On
Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be a great
rescue - just as God said. Included in the survivors
are those that God calls.
PSALM 65 (UMH 789)
(The Message)
A psalm of thanksgiving for fruitful times,
especially for a successful harvest. To offer
this psalm in response to Joel is to participate
in the promise of abundance to come. Response:
"Now thank we all our God with hearts and hands
and voices."
1 Silence is praise to you, Zion-dwelling God, And
also obedience.
2 You hear the prayer in it all. We all arrive at your
doorstep sooner or later, loaded with guilt,
3 Our sins too much for us - but you get rid of them
once and for all.
4 Blessed are the chosen! Blessed the guest at home
in your place! We expect our fill of good things in your
house, your heavenly manse.
5 All your salvation wonders are on display in your
trophy room. Earth-Tamer, Ocean-Pourer,
6 Mountain-Maker, Hill-Dresser,
7 Muzzler of sea storm and wave crash, of mobs in
noisy riot -
8 Far and wide they'll come to a stop, they'll stare in
awe, in wonder. Dawn and dusk take turns calling,
"Come and worship."
9 Oh, visit the earth, ask her to join the dance! Deck
her out in spring showers, fill the God-River with living
10 Drench the plowed fields, soak the dirt clods With
11 Snow-crown the peaks with splendor,
12 All through the wild meadows, rose petals. Set the
hills to dancing,
and shout, and shout! Oh, oh, let them sing!
2 TIMOTHY 4:6-8, 16-18
(The Message)
"The time of my departure has come. I have
fought the good fight, I have finished the race."
2 TIMOTHY 4:6-8
6 You take over. I'm about to die, my life an offering
on God's altar.
7 This is the only race worth running. I've run hard
right to the finish, believed all the way.
8 All that's left now is the shouting - God's applause!
Depend on it, he's an honest judge. He'll do right not
only by me, but by everyone eager for his coming.
2 TIMOTHY 4:16-18
16 At my preliminary hearing no one stood by me.
They all ran like scared rabbits. But it doesn't matter -
17 the Master stood by me and helped me spread the
Message loud and clear to those who had never heard
it. I was snatched from the jaws of the lion!
18 God's looking after me, keeping me safe in the
kingdom of heaven. All praise to him, praise forever!
Oh, yes!
LUKE 18:9-14
(The Message)
Parable of Prayer in the Temple. The Pharisee:
"God, I thank you that I'm not like other people . . .
" The tax collector: "God, be merciful to me,
a sinner."
All who humble themselves will be exalted.
9 He told his next story to some who were
complacently pleased with themselves over their
moral performance and looked down their noses
at the common people:
10 "Two men went up to the Temple to pray, one
a Pharisee, the other a tax man.
11 The Pharisee posed and prayed like this: 'Oh,
God, I thank you that I am not like other people -
robbers, crooks, adulterers, or, heaven forbid,
like this tax man.
12 I fast twice a week and tithe on all my income.'
13 "Meanwhile the tax man, slumped in the
shadows, his face in his hands, not daring to look up,
said, 'God, give mercy. Forgive me, a sinner.'"
went home made right with God. If you walk around
with your nose in the air, you're going to end up flat
on your face, but if you're content to be simply yourself,
you will become more than yourself."
• • • Ham Ball (or meat loaf) Dinner at Dexter UMC
today from 11:30- 1:00PM
Naomi's day off.
Pastor Lynn on vacation.
Office closed today.
Today's Bible Readings speak to those whose
people, congregations or communities have come
through a disaster, natural or otherwise, and now
are being called to "KEEP MOVING ON."
In other words, NEVER GIVE UP.
We think of the Gulf of Mexico (Hurricane Katrina
and the oil spill), Haiti (earthquakes), Pakistan and
China (floods), New Zealand (at this time, there
have been over 775 measured earthquakes there,
and they were still coming), and Afghan/Iraqi wars.
We consider our own domestic plant closings,
unemployment, real estate market collapse,
bankruptcies, rise in violent crime and episodes
of misconduct that have left deep scars and bitter
misgivings across this nation. Not surprisingly,
92.5 KJJY and Dahl's have teamed up to help
make our brave Iowa soldiers a little happier
this Holiday Season!
Just pick up some. . .or all of the items from
the list below. Drop boxes are in place at all
12 area Dahl's locations.
This holiday, 3,500+ Iowa National Guard Soldiers
will be serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, in combat
zones or in support of combat operations. We want
them to know that they are remembered, that we
are thinking of them during the Holiday Season,
and that we are grateful for their service.
The non-profit group Soldiers' Angels needs your
help to make sure each one of Iowa’s heroes is
wrapped in Holiday Spirit.
- Individually wrapped toothbrushes
- Travel sized hygiene items (mouthwash,
- toothpaste, combs, soap, deodorant,
- shampoo,
- laundry soap, sunscreen, lip balm, lotion,
- bug spray, wet wipes, etc;…)
- Hot Cocoa & instant coffee packets
- Hot Cider Packets
- Men's White Socks (sizes 9-15)
- Crystal Light/Kool-Aid packets
- Hard & fun sized candy
- (bags of Halloween candy work well)
- Candy Canes
- Beef Jerky
- (individually wrapped slim jims, in canisters)
- Sunflower seeds, nuts
- Power Bars, Protein Bars
- Any prepackaged yummy goodies!
- Christmas Cards- signed with encouraging
- messages and not sealed
- Wash cloths
- White paper lunch bags
- Ink pens, mini note pads, envelopes, stamps
- Small entertainment items, books,
- magazines
- Phone Cards
- help us meet our holiday goal by
- November 11, 2010
Currently in France there is much unrest - - riots and
demonstrations because the government is asking
the citizens to accept a change in retirement age
from 60 to 62. . . . . I'll let you think about that a bit.
God Bless and Keep You,
Pastor Lynn