Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Prayer Shawl Ministry - Tuesdays in Adair U.M.C. - At 3:00 P.M. - In the Fellowship Hall. Come join us. Come in off the street, where it's safe.

Wednesday, June 4th — Esther Circle
will meet at Adair U.M.C. at 8:30 A.M.

Thursday, June 5th —
Casey United Methodist Women will meet at 2:00 P.M.
Quilting Group
will meet at Casey U.M.C. this afternoon.

Thursday, June 5th — Registration begins for
United Methodist 2008 Annual Conference
Annual Conference will meet in Ames at Hilton Coliseum the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th of June. Find the site online at iaumc.org.

Live Streaming Coverage of the 2008 Annual Conference. The entire Session, beginning on Thursday evening, at 7 pm, with the Call to Order and the Worship Celebration with Holy Communion, will be streamed.

You will need Windows Media Player (version 7 or higher) to access the streaming media.

Beginning on Thursday, June 5, at 6:45 pm the live broadcasts will be available in several versions; click the internet service speed available in your area. On line go to and pick "Dial-up", "DSL", or "Cable" to hear the live broadcasts from 2008 Iowa Annual Conference.

Audio from the 2008 Session of the Iowa Annual Conference

Audio recordings (MP3 format), and Video will be posted beginning Friday, June 6.

HILTON COLISEUM - IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY CAMPUS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The Adair sale will be held in Pastor Lynn's garage.
Bring your sale items in Friday morning at 8 A.M. to be priced and placed. Come by and pick up unsold items after the sale.Casey Sale will be held at the church. Bring your sale items in Friday after lunch to be priced and placed. Stop by and pick up unsold items when sale is over.
Sunday, June 8th — 4th Sunday after Pentecost. Our color is green.
Louise Arter will be our Lay Leader this morning.
Our Scripture Readings are:
Deuteronomy 18-19
Romans 31-38, 4:13-25
Psalm 118 Matthew 9:9-13, and 18-26
Monday, June 9th — This is Pastor Lynn's day off.
Quilting Group will meet at Casey U.M.C. this afternoon.
Casey U.M.C. Disciple Study will meet from 6:30 P.M. to 8:30 P.M.

Tuesday, June 10th — Adair U.M.C. Disciple Study meets 9:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M.
Pastor Lynn will have Office Hours on Tuesdays in the Adair U.M.C. Her door will be open from 11:00 A.M. until 12:00 A.M. and then after lunch the door will be open from 1:00 P.M. until 4:00 P.M. Meet in the Fellowship Hall at 3:00 P.M. for Prayer Shawl Ministry.
Go-Cart Camp —
Two local boys are going to Go-Cart Camp at Pictured Rocks Campsite in Monticello this next week.
Ward Umbaugh and Wyatt Vais
are going to camp June 8th through June 13th. The camp address is:
Pictured Rocks U.M. Camp
12004 190th Street
Monticello, Iowa 52310
Have a great time, guys!*** Click on the photos and they will expand to full size.
Remember Vacation Bible School —
Adair U.M.C. will team with Good Shepherd Lutheran Church for VBS mornings starting July 7th to July 10th.

Casey's VBS will be from July 14th to July 18th. Classes will be held each evening.

Local people and people from all over the United States have come to Parkersburg to assist the residents who have lost everything.
The Red Cross has been in Parkersburg all this week helping out tornado victims. The organization has provided 9,000 meals and shelter for those who have nowhere to go. Case workers are still canvassing outlying areas of Butler, Black Hawk and Buchanan counties to try and help more people.

Red Cross donations have been exceedingly generous. They say they have already reached their goal for disaster relief in northeast Iowa. The organization says any other donations are welcomed, but not needed for the Parkersburg disaster.

The Red Cross says no more volunteers are needed in Parkersburg, but if you would like to help out in other areas hit hard by the tornado, you can call the Iowa Concern hotline at 800-447-1985.

The Butler County extension office (319-267-2707) still needs volunteers to walk the fields to pick up debris so farmers can mow hay and plant crops. The Emergency Operations Center is not taking the calls for this effort.

PRAIRIE DU CHIEN, Wis. --- Items from Parkersburg found some 100 miles away in Wisconsin will be returned to residents of the devastated town. Most of what has turned up are light weight materials, such as photographs, personal papers and check stubs, Prairie du Chien Police Chief Mike King said.
• • •
SCAM-Officials are warning disaster victims in northeast Iowa to be wary of scam artists as they recover from this historic tornado.

Authorities say they have heard of people going door to door in some Parkersburg and New Hartford neighborhoods claiming to be approved by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to remove debris.

But Amanda Johnson, a FEMA spokeswoman says that's not the case, and that no cleanup crews have been approved by FEMA.

The scammers have asked for 10 percent deposit or down payment on work.
Summer weather has finally arrived. We pray for those who have been devastated by loss from storms. We see how magnificent our fellow human beings become when there are those in need. How can we be saddened and rejoice at the same time?
God bless and keep you.
Pastor Lynn

1 comment:

  1. I affirm the REd Cross and their disaster response. I also know that they have pretty high overhead and will only be on site for a short time. However, through both UMCOR and the Iowa Conference Disaster REsponse organization, the church will be there for the long haul, and 100% of all contributions given go for the work -- no "overhead"!
    Ed Kail, SWD FOM
