Tuesday, February 12, 2008


February 13th Prayer Breakfast, 7 A.M. at The Happy Chef.
Lenten Service, 7 P.M. at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church.
February 14th Valentines Day. Though the legends of St. Valentine are shrouded in mystery, and have remained largely unverified, historians agree that St. Valentine symbolizes love. It is written that God is love, so perhaps the association is not too incredible. Be my valentine. . . . .February 17th 2nd Sunday in the forty-day period of Lent, before Easter. The color chosen for these days is purple because it is considered a royal color, and we are preparing for a King. The Scripture Readings for this Sunday are:
Genesis 12: 1-4a,
Psalm 121 (UMH 844),
Romans 4: 1-5, 13-17 and
Gospel Reading is John 3: 1-17.
Psalm 121 is perhaps the most beautifully written of all the Psalms. . . . .
"I lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord Who made heaven and earth. He will not suffer thy foot to slip - He that keepeth thee will not slumber." Magnificent!

February 18th— Pastor Lynn's day off. The Disciple Study at the Casey U.M.C. will be from 6:30 to 8:30 P.M.

February 19th— Kitchen cleaning scheduled for 6:30 P.M. Disciple Study at Adair U.M.C. is postponed until February 26th for 1-3 P.M.

February 20th— In Adair U.M.C. Dorcus/Ruth Circle will meet at 1:30 P.M. with Pat Chesnut, hostess.
In Casey there will be no Esther Circle and no Martha Circle.
There will be a Lenten Service at Casey U.M.C. at 7 P.M. This change is made because of scheduling problems.

February 21— Deborah/Mary Circle will meet at Casey U.M.C. at 2 P.M. with hostess, Gladys Mark.

The Women of Faith Conference will be in Omaha, NE March 28th & 29th, 2008.
Is anyone is interested in attending the two day conference with Pastor Lynn? If
so, contact her at the church office, or by e-mail. The discount tickets need to be
purchased soon.

A Planning Meeting for organizing a Youth Group was held Sunday evening, February 10, at Smiley's. There were many great ideas, and several talented participants. The books, pamphlets, and other published material seemed to be of superior merit and I know the "TWEENS" are going to fly if we can just clear a runway. We know from past experience in similar groups, that great leadership qualities do develop in our children when they spend time in these organizations. They absorb a set of values for living that can really be found in no other venue. Perhaps it should be a pursuit priority.

Check out the addition of music at the bottom of this posting. It's just an experiment but we may keep it if it is acceptable. If you have anything you would like to have appear in the ABC Parish Blog, do let us know. I'm sure you think of many things that have not occurred to us.
God Bless You, Pastor Lynn

1 comment:

  1. Love the music idea, but it wouldn't work for me. One of my favorites!
