Sunday, June 14, 2015


R E M I N D E R S —

Happy Birthday Annette Noland!


Father's Day is a celebration honoring  
fathers and celebrating fatherhood, 
paternal bonds, and the influence of 
fathers in society. Many countries 
celebrate it the third Sunday of June, 
though it is also celebrated widely on 
other days by many other countries. 
A Father's Day celebration was held in 
Spokane, Washington, at the YMCA by 
Sonora Smart Dodd on June 19, 1910. 
Her father, a Civil War veteran, William 
Jackson Smart, was a single parent 
who raised his six children there.
Americans resisted the holiday for its 
first few decades, viewing it as nothing 
more than an attempt by merchants to 
replicate the commercial success of 
Mother's Day.      
In 1966, President Lyndon B. Johnson 
issued a presidential proclamation 
honoring fathers, designating the third 
Sunday in June as Father's Day. 
He woke up and rebuked the wind, and
said to the sea, "Peace! Be still!" Then
the wind ceased, and there was a dead
calm. He said to them, "Why are you
afraid? Have you still no faith?" And
they were filled with great awe and said
to one another, "Who then is this, that
even the wind and the sea obey him?"
(Mark 4:39-4:41, NRSV)
1 SAMUEL 17:1-23, 32-49
The shepherd, David, uses implements
of his trade and the power of the Lord 

to defeat the giant warrior, Goliath.
"The Lord does not save by sword and
spear" (verse 47).      

1-3 The Philistines drew up their troops
for battle. They deployed them at Socoh
in Judah, and set up camp between
Socoh and Azekah at Ephes Dammim.     

Saul and the Israelites came together,
camped at Oak Valley, and spread out
their troops in battle readiness for the
Philistines. The Philistines were on one
hill, the Israelites on the opposing hill,
with the valley between them.       

4-7 A giant nearly ten feet tall stepped
out from the Philistine line into the open,
Goliath from Gath. He had a bronze
helmet on his head and was dressed in
armor, 126 pounds of it! He wore bronze
shin guards and carried a bronze sword.
 His spear was like a fence rail—the
spear tip alone weighed over fifteen
pounds. His shield bearer walked ahead
of him.
8-10 Goliath stood there and called out
to the Israelite troops, “Why bother
using your whole army? Am I not
Philistine enough for you? And you’re
all committed to Saul, aren’t you? So
pick your best fighter, pit him against
me. If he gets the upper hand and kills
me, the Philistines will all become your
slaves. But if I get the upper hand and
kill him, you’ll all become our slaves and
serve us. I challenge the troops of Israel
this day. Give me a man. Let us fight it
out together!”

11 When Saul and his troops heard the
Philistine’s challenge, they were terrified
and lost all hope.

12-15  Enter David. He was the son of
Jesse the Ephrathite from Bethlehem in
Judah. Jesse, the father of eight sons,
was himself too old to join Saul’s army.
Jesse’s three oldest sons had followed
Saul to war. The names of the three
sons who had joined up with Saul were
Eliab, the firstborn; next, Abinadab; and
third, Shammah.    David was the
youngest son. While his three oldest
brothers went to war with Saul, David
went back and forth from attending to
Saul to tending his father’s sheep in

16 Each morning and evening for forty
days, Goliath took his stand and made
his speech.

17-19 One day, Jesse told David his son,
“Take this sack of cracked wheat and
these ten loaves of bread and run them
down to your brothers in the camp. And
take these ten wedges of cheese to the
captain of their division. Check in on
your brothers to see whether they are
getting along all right, and let me know
how they’re doing—Saul and your
brothers, and all the Israelites in their
war with the Philistines in Oak Valley.”

20-23 David was up at the crack of dawn
and, having arranged for someone to
tend his flock, took the food and was on
his way just as Jesse had directed him.
He arrived at the camp just as the army
was moving into battle formation,
shouting the war cry. Israel and the
Philistines moved into position, facing
each other, battle-ready.

David left his bundles of food in the care 
of a sentry, ran to the troops who were 
deployed, and greeted his brothers.         
While they were talking together, the 
Philistine champion, Goliath of Gath, 
stepped out from the front lines of the 
Philistines, and gave his usual challenge. 
David heard him.    
PSALM 9:11-20 (UMH 744)
God defends the afflicted by catching
oppressors in the traps they have made.
11-12 Sing your songs to Zion-dwelling
    tell his stories to everyone you meet:
How he tracks down killers
    yet keeps his eye on us,
    registers every whimper and moan.

13-14 Be kind to me, God;
    I’ve been kicked around long enough.
Once you’ve pulled me back
    from the gates of death,
I’ll write the book on Hallelujahs;
    on the corner of Main and First
    I’ll hold a street meeting;
I’ll be the song leader; we’ll fill the air
    with salvation songs.

15-16 They’re trapped, those godless
    in the very snares they set,
Their feet all tangled
    in the net they spread.
They have no excuse;
    the way God works is well-known.
The cunning machinery made by the
    has maimed their own hands.

17-20 The wicked bought a one-way
    ticket to hell.
No longer will the poor be nameless—
    no more humiliation for the humble.
Up, God! Aren’t you fed up with their
empty strutting?
    Expose these grand pretensions!
Shake them up, God!
    Show them how silly they look.

Tension abounds. Paul argues that his
suffering for the sake of the gospel
provides all the credentials he needs for
the Corinthians to listen to him. The ball
is in their court, now.   

1-10 Companions as we are in this work
with you, we beg you, please don’t
squander one bit of this marvelous life
God has given us. God reminds us,

I heard your call in the nick of time;
The day you needed me, I was there to

Well, now is the right time to listen, the
day to be helped. Don’t put it off; don’t
frustrate God’s work by showing up late,
throwing a question mark over every-
thing we’re doing. Our work as God’s
servants gets validated—or not—in the
details. People are watching us as we
stay at our post, alertly, unswervingly . .
in hard times, tough times, bad times;
when we’re beaten up, jailed, and
mobbed; working hard, working late,
working without eating; with pure heart,
clear head, steady hand; in gentleness,
holiness, and honest love; when we’re
telling the truth, and when God’s
showing his power; when we’re doing
our best setting things right; when we
are praised, and when we’re blamed;
slandered, and honored; true to our
word, though distrusted; ignored by the
world, but recognized by God;
terrifically alive, though rumored to be
dead; beaten within an inch of our lives,
but refusing to die; immersed in tears,
yet always filled with deep joy; living on
handouts, yet enriching many; having
nothing, having it all.
11-13 Dear, dear Corinthians, I can’t tell
you how much I long for you to enter
this wide-open, spacious life. We didn’t
fence you in. The smallness you feel
comes from within you. Your lives aren’t
small, but you’re living them in a small
way. I’m speaking as plainly as I can and
with great affection. Open up your lives.
Live openly and expansively!
MARK 4:35-41
Jesus treats a storm the same way he
treats demons. He rebukes it, and tells
it to shut up.  Then Jesus corrects the
disciples for their fear — not just of the
storm, but of what Jesus did to end it.
35-38 Late that day he said to them,
“Let’s go across to the other side.”
They took him in the boat as he was.
Other boats came along. A huge storm
came up. Waves poured into the boat,
threatening to sink it. And Jesus was in
the stern, head on a pillow, sleeping!       

They roused him, saying, “Teacher, is it
nothing to you that we’re going down?”
39-40 Awake now, he told the wind to
pipe down and said to the sea, “Quiet!
Settle down!” The wind ran out of breath;
the sea became smooth as glass. Jesus
reprimanded the disciples: “Why are you
such cowards? Don’t you have any faith
at all?”
41 They were in absolute awe, staggered.
“Who is this, anyway?” they asked.
“Wind and sea at his beck and call!”
• 1788 - The U.S. Constitution went into
effect when New Hampshire became the
ninth state to ratify it. 
• 1938 - In Washington, U.S. President
Roosevelt signed the $3.75 billion
Emergency Relief Appropriation Act. 
It is a large-scale public works program
for the jobless that included the Works
Progress Administration (WPA).
• 1939 - Lou Gehrig quit baseball due to
illness. He was diagnosed with
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). It
became known as Lou Gehrigs disease.
• 1941 - German troops entered Russia
on a front that stretched from the Arctic
Sea to the Black Sea.
• 1954 - The American Cancer Society
reported significantly higher death rates
among cigarette smokers than among
• 1985 - Scientists announced that
skeletal remains exhumed in Brazil
were those of Nazi criminal Josef  
Mengele.  He was a physician in the
Auschwitz concentration camp during
World War II. He was notorious for
choosing victims to be killed by   
performing unscientific and deadly  
experiments on them.  In 1979, he   
suffered a stroke and died. He was  
buried in Artes Embu das Brazil, 
under the name "Wolfgang Gerhard."
• 2003 - The fifth Harry Potter book,
"Harry Potter and the Order of the
Phoenix," published by J.K. Rowling,
shipped out the largest distribution of a
single item in e-commerce history. The
book set sales records around the world
with an estimated 5 million copies sold
on that first day. 
Happy Anniversary –
Chad and Traci Stephenson!

• 1611 - English explorer Henry Hudson,
his son and several other people were
set adrift in present-day Hudson Bay by
• 1772 - Slavery is outlawed in England. 
• 1807 - British seamen boarded the USS
Chesapeake; a provocation leading to
the War of 1812.
• 1868 - Arkansas was re-admitted to the
• 1933 - Germany became a one political
party country when Hitler banned all
other parties except the Nazis.
• 1941 - Under a codename Barbarossa,
Germany invaded the Soviet Union.
• 1942 - A Japanese submarine shelled
Fort Stevens at the mouth of the
Columbia River in north west United
• 1944 - President Franklin Roosevelt
signed the "GI Bill of Rights" to provide
broad benefits for veterans of the war.
• 1990 - Checkpoint Charlie was
dismantled in Berlin. This was the name
given by the Western Allies to the best
known Berlin Wall crossing point that
existed between East Berlin and West
Berlin during the Cold War.  Over 3.5
million East Germans left for the West
by 1961. This totaled approximately 20%
of the entire East German population,
who all tended to be young and very well
Checkpoint Charlie was constructed to
keep the East Germans from fleeing to
the West.        
Happy Birthday Megan Farnsworth!
Happy Birthday Grace Mackrill!   
Happy Birthday Shannon Paup!
Happy Birthday Vickie Gettler!
• 1683 - William Penn signed a friendship
treaty with Lenni Lenape Indians in
• 1836 - The U.S. Congress approved the
Deposit Act, which contained a provision
for turning over surplus federal revenue
to the states.
• 1860 - The U.S. Secret Service was
created principally to deal with
• 1865 - Confederate General Stand Watie,
who was also a Cherokee Indian Chief,
surrendered the last Confederate army
at Fort Towson, in Oklahoma Territory.
•  1966 - Civil Rights marchers in the
state of Mississippi were dispersed by
tear gas.
• 2003 - Apple Computer Inc. unveiled
the new Power Mac desktop computer. 
Happy Birthday Randa Wall!
Happy Birthday Elaine Huss!

ART 7 P.M.
• 1497 - Italian explorer John Cabot,
sailing in the service of England, landed
in North America on what is now
• 1664 - New Jersey was founded and
named after the Isle of Jersey.
• 1812 - Napoleon crossed the Nieman
River and invaded Russia.
• 1844 - Charles Goodyear was granted
U.S. patent #3,633 for vulcanized rubber.
• 1861 - Federal gunboats attacked the
Confederate batteries at Mathias Point,
• 1896 - Booker T. Washington became
the first African American to receive an
honorary Master of Arts degree from
Howard University.
• 1910 - Japanese army invaded Korea.
• 1931 - Soviet Union and Afghanistan
signed a treaty of neutrality.
• 1941 - President Franklin Roosevelt
pledged support to the Soviet Union.
• 1962 - The New York Yankees beat the
Detroit Tigers, 9-7, after 22 innings.
• 1982 - The U.S. Supreme Court ruled
5-4 that no president could be sued for
damages connected with actions taken
while serving as President of the United
• 2010 - Apple released the iPhone 4.
Happy Anniversary
Bill and Gretchen Umbaugh!

• 1767 - Mexican Indians rioted as Jesuit
priests were ordered home.
• 1788 - Virginia ratified the U.S.
Constitution and became the 10th state
of the United States.
• 1864 - Union troops surrounding
Petersburg, Virginia, began building a
mine tunnel underneath Confederate
• 1868 - The U.S. Congress enacted
legislation granting an eight-hour day to
workers of the Federal government.
• 1868 - Florida, Alabama, Louisiana,
Georgia, North Carolina and South
Carolina were readmitted into the Union.
• 1876 - Lt. Col. George Armstrong Custer
and 210 men of U.S. 7th Cavalry were
killed by Sioux and Cheyenne Indians at
Little Big Horn in Montana. The event is
known as "Custer's Last Stand."
• 1877 - In Philadelphia, PA, Alexander
Graham Bell demonstrated the telephone
for Sir William Thomson and Emperor
Pedro II of Brazil at the Centennial
• 1917 - The first American fighting
troops landed in France for the First
World War.
• 1941 - Finland declared war on the
Soviet Union.
• 1948 - The Soviet Union tightened its
blockade of Berlin by intercepting river
barges heading for the city.
• 1950 - North Korea invaded South
Korea initiating the Korean War.
• 1959 - The Cuban government seized
2.35 million acres of land under a new
agrarian reform law.
• 1991 - The last Soviet Russian troops
left Czechoslovakia 23 years after the
Warsaw Pact invasion.
• 1993 - Kim Campbell took office as
Canada's first woman prime minister.
• 1998 - The U.S. Supreme Court rejected
the line-item veto thereby striking down
presidential power to cancel specific
items in tax and spending legislation.
• 1998 - Microsoft's "Windows 98" was
released to the public.
• 2000 - A Florida judge approved a class
action lawsuit filed against American
Online (AOL) on behalf of hourly sub-
scribers who were forced to view
"pop-up" advertisements.        
Happy Birthday Bonnie Christiansen
• 1804 - The Lewis and Clark Expedition
reached the mouth of the Kansas River
after completing a westward trip of
nearly 400 river miles.
• 1870 - The first section of boardwalk in
Atlantic City, New Jersey, was opened to
 the public.
• 1900 - A commission that included Dr.
Walter Reed began the fight against the
deadly disease of Yellow Fever.
• 1917 - General John "Black Jack"
Pershing arrived in France with
American Expeditionary Forces.
• 1924 - After eight years of occupation,
American troops left the Dominican
• 1945 - The U.N. Charter was signed by
50 nations in San Francisco, California.
• 1948 - The Berlin Airlift began as the
U.S., England and France started to take
supplies to the isolated western sector
of Berlin.
• 1959 - President Eisenhower joined
Britain's Queen Elizabeth II in
ceremonies officially opening the St.
Lawrence Seaway.
• 1963 - U.S. President John Kennedy
announced "Ich bin ein Berliner"
(I am a Berliner) at the Berlin Wall.
• 1979 - Muhammad Ali, at 37 years old,
announced that he was retiring as world
heavyweight boxing champion.
• 1981 - In Mountain Home, Idaho,
Virginia Campbell took her coupons and
rebates and bought $26,460 worth of
groceries. She only paid 67 cents cash
after all the discounts.
• 1996 - The U.S. Supreme Court ordered
the Virginia Military Institute to admit
women or give up state support.      
Happy Birthday Kirk Rochholz!
Happy Birthday Jodi Speck!

OPEN FROM 9 TO 11 A.M.   

• 1787 - Edward Gibbon completed the
book, "The Decline and Fall of the
Roman Empire." It was published the
following May.
• 1893 - The New York stock market
crashed. By the end of the year, 600
banks and 74 railroads had gone out of
• 1927 - The U.S. Marines adopted the
English bulldog as their mascot.
• 1940 - Robert Pershing Wadlow was
measured by Dr. Cyril MacBryde and Dr.
C. M. Charles. They recorded his height
at 8' 11.1." He was only 22 at the time of
his death on July 15, 1940.
• 1942 - The FBI announced the capture
of eight Nazi saboteurs who had been
put ashore from a submarine on New
York's Long Island.
• 1950 - Two days after North Korea
invaded South Korea, U.S. President
Truman ordered the Air Force and Navy
into the Korean conflict. The United
Nations Security Council had asked for
member nations to help South Korea
repel an invasion from the North.
• 1955 - The state of Illinois enacted the
first automobile seat belt legislation.
• 1967 - The world's first cash dispenser
was installed at Barclays Bank in 
Enfield, England. The device was invented
by John Sheppard-Barron. The machine
operated on a voucher system and the
maximum withdrawal was $28.
• 1991 - Associate Justice Thurgood
Marshall resigned from the U.S. Supreme
Court. He had been appointed in 1967 by
President Lyndon Johnson.
• 2005 - In Alaska's Denali National Park,
a roughly 70-million year old dinosaur
track was discovered. The track was
from a three-toed Cretaceous period
Thank you for your attention to our 

church life this week.  You make the 
hard work roll, you know.

God Bless and Keep You,

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