Monday, October 6, 2014


R E M I N D E R S —

5:30 P.M. TO 7:30 P.M.

Today is Children’s Sunday.


John Woolman was born October 19, 1720
in the province of New Jersey.  He was a
merchant, a tailor, a journalist, a preacher,
and an abolitionist. When he was 23, his
employer asked him to write a bill of sale
for a slave. Though he told his employer
that he thought that slaveholding was
against Christian ethics, he did write the
bill of sale. He did consider slavery a sin.
By the age of 26, he had become an
independent and successful tradesman.
He would always refuse to write the part of
a will that included disposing of a slave
and would always convince a client to free
his slaves.
He traveled in frontier areas of British
North America as a Quaker Preacher.  He
preached against slavery and the slave
trade, injustice, oppression, cruelty to
animals, and conscription.
In 1746, he went on his first ministry trip
with Isaac Andrews. They traveled about
1,500 miles round-trip in three months. 
He convinced many Quaker slaveholders
to free their slaves. 
In 1772 he traveled to England where he
preached abolition of slavery. He attended
the British London Yearly Meeting. The
Friends resolved to include an anti-slavery
statement in their Epistle (a type of letter
sent to Quakers in other places). Woolman
traveled to York, where he contracted
smallpox and died there. He was buried in
York on October 9, 1772.

He kept a journal throughout his life that
was entitled The Journal of John Woolman
(1774). When it was published, it was
included in Volume I of the Harvard
Classics in 1909.  It is considered a
prominent American spiritual work.
His wife was Sarah and they had a
daughter, Mary. 


Canadian-born American preacher and
temperance reformer, she was born
January 22, 1834, in Burford, Canada.
She was raised in farm country in Canada,
and then near Newark, Illinois.
Jennie suffered from a chronic illness due
to a childhood accident, that inhibited her
ability to go to school past the age of nine.
Because of this, she devised a system of
self-education. The system was so very
successful that she was eventually hired
to teach English Language and Literature
at Illinois Wesleyan University. 
She married William C. Willing in 1853.
She was involved in the founding of the
Woman's Christian Temperance Union
(WCTU, 1874); and served as editor of the
WCTU's newspaper Our Union (1875–76).
She was an officer in both the Woman’s
Foreign Missionary Society and the
Woman’s Home Missionary Society.
Between 1886 and 1890, she oversaw the
work of the Woman’s Home Missionary
Society in New Mexico and Arizona.
She founded the New York Evangelistic
Training School to create settlement
projects in New York City (1895).
She died in 1916.


• Adult Sunday School at Casey U.M.C.
following worship service.————————————————————
EXODUS 32:1-14
While Moses was up on the mountain with
God, the people became anxious. Aaron
led them to fashion a golden calf and to
worship it. This appalled God and Moses.
Only through Moses' intercession was
disaster averted.
“Make Gods for Us”
32 When the people realized that Moses
was taking forever in coming down off the
mountain, they rallied around Aaron and
said, “Do something. Make gods for us
who will lead us. That Moses, the man who
got us out of Egypt—who knows what’s
happened to him?”
 2-4 So Aaron told them, “Take off the gold
rings from the ears of your wives and sons
and daughters and bring them to me.” They
all did it; they removed the gold rings from
their ears and brought them to Aaron. He
took the gold from their hands and cast it
in the form of a calf, shaping it with an
engraving tool.

The people responded with enthusiasm:
“These are your gods, O Israel, who
brought you up from Egypt!”

5 Aaron, taking in the situation, built an
altar before the calf.

Aaron then announced, “Tomorrow is a
feast day to God!”

6 Early the next morning, the people got
up and offered Whole-Burnt-Offerings and
brought Peace-Offerings. The people sat
down to eat and drink and then began to
party. It turned into a wild party!
7-8 God spoke to Moses, “Go! Get down
there! Your people whom you brought up
from the land of Egypt have fallen to
pieces. In no time at all they’ve turned
away from the way I commanded them:
They made a molten calf and worshiped it
They’ve sacrificed to it and said, ‘These
are the gods, O Israel, that brought you
up from the land of Egypt!’”
9-10 God said to Moses, “I look at this
people—oh! what a stubborn, hard-headed
people! Let me alone now, give my anger
free reign to burst into flames and
incinerate them. But I’ll make a great
nation out of you.”
 11-13 Moses tried to calm his God down.
He said, “Why, God, would you lose your
temper with your people? Why, you
brought them out of Egypt in a
tremendous demonstration of power and
strength. Why let the Egyptians say, ‘He
had it in for them—he brought them out so
he could kill them in the mountains, wipe
them right off the face of the Earth.’ Stop
your anger. Think twice about bringing evil
against your people! Think of Abraham,
Isaac, and Israel, your servants to whom
you gave your word, telling them ‘I will
give you many children, as many as the
stars in the sky, and I’ll give this land to
your children as their land forever.’”

14 And God did think twice. He decided
not to do the evil he had threatened
against his people.
PSALM 106:1-23 (UMH 829)
Thank God! And why?
Because he’s good, because his love lasts.
But who on earth can do it—
declaim God’s mighty acts, broadcast all
his praises?
You’re one happy man when you do what’s
one happy woman when you form the habit
of justice.

4-5 Remember me, God, when you enjoy
your people;
include me when you save them;
I want to see your chosen succeed,
celebrate with your celebrating nation,
join the Hallelujahs of your pride and joy!
6-12 We’ve sinned a lot, both we and our
We’ve fallen short, hurt a lot of people.
After our parents left Egypt,
they took your wonders for granted,
forgot your great and wonderful love.
They were barely beyond the Red Sea
when they defied the High God
—the very place he saved them!
—the place he revealed his amazing
He rebuked the Red Sea so that it dried up
on the spot
—he paraded them right through!
—no one so much as got wet feet!
He saved them from a life of oppression,
pried them loose from the grip of the
Then the waters flowed back on their
there wasn’t a single survivor.
Then they believed his words were true
and broke out in songs of praise.
13-18 But it wasn’t long before they forgot
the whole thing,
wouldn’t wait to be told what to do.
They only cared about pleasing
themselves in that desert,
provoked God with their insistent
He gave them exactly what they asked
but along with it they got an empty heart.
One day in camp some grew jealous of
also of Aaron, holy priest of God.
The ground opened and swallowed
then buried Abiram’s gang.
Fire flared against that rebel crew
and torched them to a cinder.
19-22 They cast in metal a bull calf at
Horeb and worshiped the statue they’d
They traded the Glory for a cheap piece
of sculpture — a grass – chewing bull!
They forgot God, their very own Savior,
who turned things around in Egypt,
Who created a world of wonders in the
Land of Ham,
who gave that stunning performance at
the Red Sea.
23-27 Fed up, God decided to get rid of
them —
and except for Moses, his chosen, he
would have.
But Moses stood in the gap and deflected
God’s anger,
prevented it from destroying them utterly.
They went on to reject the Blessed Land,
didn’t believe a word of what God
They found fault with the life they had
and turned a deaf ear to God’s voice.
Exasperated, God swore
that he’d lay them low in the desert,
Scattering their children hither and yon,
strewing them all over the earth.
Paul addresses the specific conflict in the
community at Philippi head-on, calling the
two chief parties in the conflict by name
and asking for the assistance of Syzygos,
their bishop (?), whose name means
"yokemate," to help resolve it. The letter
then turns towards its close, with
exhortations to rejoice, trust God, and
focus all thoughts on worthy things.

 4 My dear, dear friends! I love you so much.
I do want the very best for you. You make
me feel such joy, fill me with such pride.
Don’t waver. Stay on track, steady in God.
Pray About Everything
2 I urge Euodia and Syntyche to iron out
their differences and make up. God
doesn’t want his children holding grudges.
3 And, oh, yes, Syzygus, since you’re right
there to help them work things out, do your
best with them. These women worked for
the Message hand in hand with Clement
and me, and with the other veterans—
worked as hard as any of us. Remember,
their names are also in the Book of Life.
4-5 Celebrate God all day, every day. I
mean, revel in him! Make it as clear as you
can to all you meet that you’re on their
side, working with them and not against
them. Help them see that the Master is
about to arrive. He could show up any
6-7 Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying,
pray. Let petitions and praises shape your
worries into prayers, letting God know
your concerns. Before you know it, a sense
of God’s wholeness, everything coming
together for good, will come and settle you
down. It’s wonderful what happens when
Christ displaces worry at the center of your
8-9 Summing it all up, friends, I’d say you’ll
do best by filling your minds and
meditating on things true, noble, reputable,
authentic, compelling, gracious—the best,
not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly;
things to praise, not things to curse. Put
into practice what you learned from me,
what you heard and saw and realized. Do
that, and God, who makes everything
work together, will work you into his most
excellent harmonies.
MATTHEW 22:1-14
Jesus tells the parable of the Wedding
Banquet. Those invited did not respond,
so the king ordered his servants to hit the
streets and alleys to invite everyone to
come. One person came who refused to
dress appropriately; he was promptly
thrown out. The conclusion: many are
called, but few are chosen.
Jesus responded by telling still more
stories. “God’s kingdom,” he said, “is like
a king who threw a wedding banquet for
his son. He sent out servants to call in all
the invited guests. And they wouldn’t
4 “He sent out another round of servants,
instructing them to tell the guests, ‘Look,
everything is on the table, the prime rib is
ready for carving. Come to the feast!’
5-7 “They only shrugged their shoulders
and went off, one to weed his garden,
another to work in his shop. The rest, with
nothing better to do, beat up on the
messengers and then killed them. The king
was outraged and sent his soldiers to
destroy those thugs and level their city.
8-10 “Then he told his servants, ‘We have
a wedding banquet all prepared but no
guests. The ones I invited weren’t up to it.
Go out into the busiest intersections in
town and invite anyone you find to the
banquet.’ The servants went out on the
streets and rounded up everyone they laid
eyes on, good and bad, regardless. And so
the banquet was on—every place filled.
11-13 “When the king entered and looked
over the scene, he spotted a man who
wasn’t properly dressed. He said to him,
‘Friend, how dare you come in here
looking like that!’ The man was speechless.
Then the king told his servants, ‘Get him
out of here—fast. Tie him up and ship him
to hell. And make sure he doesn’t get back
14 “That’s what I mean when I say, ‘Many
get invited; only a few make it.’”
• 1492 - Christopher Columbus, sighted
Watling Island in the Bahamas. He thought
that he had found Asia while attempting to
find a Western ocean route to India. That
same day he claimed the land for Isabella
and Ferdinand of Spain.
• 1933 - The U.S. Department of Justice
acquired Alcatraz Island from the U.S.
• 1942 - During World War II, Attorney
General Francis Biddle announced that
Italian nationals in the United States would
no longer be considered enemy aliens.
• 1960 - Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev
pounded his shoe on the desk during a
dispute at a U.N. General Assembly. 
Happy Birthday Blake Harris!


—  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —
• 1775 - The U.S. Continental Congress
ordered the construction of a naval fleet.
• 1792 - The cornerstone of the Executive
Mansion was laid in Washington, DC. The
building became known as the White
House in 1818.
• 1943 - During World War II, Italy signed
an armistice with the Allies and declared
war on Germany.
• 1944 - American troops entered Aachen,
Germany, during World War II.  
Happy Birthday Sherry Carney!
Happy Anniversary —
Karl and Sharon Larson!
• 1879 - Thomas Edison signed an
agreement with Jose D. Husbands for the
sale of Edison telephones in Chile.
• 1912 - Theodore Roosevelt was shot while
campaigning in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Roosevelt's wound in the chest was not
serious and he continued with his planned
speech. William Schrenk was arrested for
the shooting.
• 1926 - The book "Winnie-the-Pooh," by
A. A. Milne, went on sale.
• 1933 - Nazi Germany announced it's
withdrawal from the League of Nations.
• 1943 - The Radio Corporation of America
finalized the sale of the NBC Blue radio
network. Edward J. Noble paid $8 million
for the network that was renamed
American Broadcasting Company.
• 1944 - German Field Marshal Erwin
Rommel committed suicide rather than
face execution for being accused of
conspiring against Adolf Hitler.
• 1954 - "The Ten Commandments", which
starred Charlton Heston, began filming in
Egypt. It had a cast of 25,000 people.
• 1960 - U.S. presidential candidate John F.
Kennedy suggested a unit called the
Peace Corps.
• 1964 - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was
awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his
non-violent resistance to racial prejudice
in America. He was the youngest person
to receive the award.     
Happy Anniversary —
Lee and Twila Garside!

• DORCAS-RUTH Circle - Will meet at 
  Happy Chef  —  1:30 P.M.
  Hostess: Pat Chesnut

IN CASEY U.M.C. - 4 P.M. TO  5:30 P.M.
Kindergarten to 7th Grade.

• MARTHA Circle in Casey U.M.C. at 5 P.M
Hostess: Carol McCuen.
We will elect officers and make mincemeat.

 • ESTHER Circle - Adair meets at 7 P.M.
   Hostess: Sandy Farnsworth
• 1815 - Napoleon Bonaparte began his
exile on the remote island of St. Helena in
the Atlantic Ocean.
• 1860 - Grace Bedell, 11 years old, wrote a
letter to presidential candidate Abraham
Lincoln. The letter stated that Lincoln
would look better if he grew a beard.
• 1883 - The U.S. Supreme Court struck
down part of the Civil Rights Act of 1875.
It took out allowing individuals and corp-
orations to discriminate based on race.
• 1892 - The U.S. government announced
that land in the western Montana was open
to settlers. 1.8 million acres were bought
from the Crow Indians at 50 cents per acre.
• 1962 - The Cuban Missile Crisis began.
On this day U.S. intelligence discovered
Soviet missile sites in Cuba.
• 1964 - It was announced that Soviet leader
Nikita Khrushchev was removed from
• 1993 - South Africa's President F.W. de
Klerk and African National Congress
President Nelson Mandela were named
winners of the Nobel Peace Prize for their
efforts to end apartheid in South Africa.    
Happy Birthday Newell Rogers!

• DEBORAH-MARY Circle in Casey U.M.C.
   at 2 P.M.
  Hostess: Margaret Sullins
• 1941 - The Nazis advanced within 60
miles of Moscow. Romanians entered
Odessa, USSR, and began exterminating
150,000 Jews.
Happy Birthday Carson Baughman!
Happy Birthday Sarah Hall!
Happy Birthday Gary Lundy!
OCTOBER 17 & 18 — 
Pastor Melodee attending Course of Study
• 1933 - Dr. Albert Einstein moved to
Princeton, NJ, after leaving Germany.
• 1979 - Mother Teresa of India was given
the Nobel Peace Prize.
• 1989 - An earthquake measuring 7.1 on
the Richter Scale hit the San Francisco
Bay in California. The quake caused about
67 deaths, 3,000 injuries, and damages up
to $7 billion.  
Happy Birthday Gail Sheeder!
Healthy Small Church Initiative laity meet
at Adair UMC 10:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M.
• 1469 - Ferdinand of Aragon was married
to Isabella of Castile. The marriage united
all the dominions of Spain.
• 1685 - King Louis XIV of France revoked
the Edict of Nantes, which had established
a legal toleration of the Protestants.
• 1867 - The United States took formal
possession of Alaska from Russia. The
land was purchased of a total of $7 million
dollars (2 cents per acre).
• 1929 - A Judicial Committee of England’s
Privy Council ruled that women were to be
considered as persons in Canada.
• 1983 - General Motors agreed to hire
more women and minorities for five years
as part of a settlement with the Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission.
• 1997 - A monument honoring U.S. service
women, past and present, was dedicated
at Arlington National Cemetery.       


Thank you much for your contributions to 
our church life this week.  You do know 
how to keep the wheels rollin' on down the 
God Bless and Keep You,

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