Monday, September 8, 2014


R E M I N D E R S —

The Office Will Be Open In The Afternoon
Today — and not in the morning.
OPEN - 5:30 P.M. TO 7:30 P.M.

• This is Patriot Day.  We remember the 
losses we suffered on September 11, 2001. 
This is definitely an example of what not to 
do with earth's great abundance and her 
• • Pastor Melodee goes to school today.

Happy Anniversary —
Kirk and Chelsi Rochholz!
• Adult Sunday School at Casey U.M.C.
following worship service.
•   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •
We worship this Sunday with the land. We
celebrate the grasses, the soils, the vines
and the creatures of the land.

• We celebrate a planet filled with God's
presence, quivering in the forests,
vibrating in the land,  pulsating in the
wilderness,  shimmering in the rivers.

• We celebrate wild flowers, mysterious
mushrooms, swirling grasses, wheat fields,
orchards, vineyards, red gums, gardens
and wetlands.

  • We celebrate the song of the soil; the
life giving gardens, the beauty of the farm
land, the land that gives us wonderful
life-sustaining food.

 Wherever we live on Mother Earth, we 
have a responsibility of stewardship to 
protect her and use her gifts wisely.
EXODUS 14:19-31
God of Israel is also the God of the Land,
Wind, Sea and Sky. Every element of the
created order—earth itself (mud), the sky
(pillar of cloud and fire), wind (blowing all
night), and sea (subdued, controlled,
parted, and restored) was brought into
play to deliver the ragtag, impromptu
hosts of Israel.
This story was used many times in many
ways to remind the people of Israel of
their identity grounded in the One who
delivered them so decisively. The prophets
referred to this story time and again to call
the people to return to the ways and the
will of God.

19-20 The angel of God that had been
leading the camp of Israel now shifted
and got behind them. And the Pillar of
Cloud that had been in front also shifted
to the rear. The Cloud was now between
the camp of Egypt and the camp of Israel.
The Cloud enshrouded one camp in
darkness and flooded the other with light.
The two camps didn't come near each
other all night. 
21 Then Moses stretched out his hand
over the sea and God, with a terrific east
wind all night long, made the sea go back.
He made the sea dry ground. The
seawaters split.
22-25 The Israelites walked through the
sea on dry ground with the waters a wall
to the right and to the left. The Egyptians
came after them in full pursuit, every
horse and chariot and driver of Pharaoh
racing into the middle of the sea. It was
now the morning watch. God looked down
from the Pillar of Fire and Cloud on the
Egyptian army and threw them into a
panic. He clogged the wheels of their
chariots; they were stuck in the mud.

   The Egyptians said, "Run from Israel!
God is fighting on their side and against
26 God said to Moses, "Stretch out your
hand over the sea and the waters will
come back over the Egyptians, over their
chariots, over their horsemen."
27-28 Moses stretched his hand out over
the sea: As the day broke and the
Egyptians were running, the sea returned
to its place as before. God dumped the
Egyptians in the middle of the sea. The
waters returned, drowning the chariots
and riders of Pharaoh's army that had
chased after Israel into the sea. Not one
of them survived.
29-31 But the Israelites walked right
through the middle of the sea on dry
ground, the waters forming a wall to the
right and to the left. God delivered Israel
that day from the oppression of the
Egyptians. And Israel looked at the
Egyptian dead, washed up on the shore
of the sea, and realized the tremendous
power that God brought against the
Egyptians. The people were in reverent
awe before God and trusted in God and
his servant Moses.

After Israel left Egypt, the clan of Jacob
left those barbarians behind;
 Judah became holy land for him,
    Israel the place of holy rule.
 Sea took one look and ran the other way;
    River Jordan turned around and ran off.
 The mountains turned playful and
    skipped like rams,
    the hills frolicked like spring lambs.
 What's wrong with you, Sea, that you ran
    and you, River Jordan, that you turned
    and ran off?
 And mountains, why did you skip like
    and you, hills, frolic like spring lambs?
 Tremble, Earth! You're in the Lord's
    in the presence of Jacob's God.
 He turned the rock into a pool of cool
    turned flint into fresh spring water.
ROMANS 14:1-12
Romans this week provides guidance for
dealing with significant differences in
personal or possibly even house church
disciplines among Christian communities
in Rome.
Welcome with open arms fellow
believers who don't see things the way
you do. And don't jump all over them
every time they do or say something you
don't agree with—even when it seems
that they are strong on opinions but weak
in the faith department. Remember, they
have their own history to deal with. Treat
them gently.
2-4 For instance, a person who has been
around for a while might well be
convinced that he can eat anything on the
table, while another, with a different back-
ground, might assume he should only be
a vegetarian and eat accordingly. But
since both are guests at Christ's table,
wouldn't it be terribly rude if they fell to
criticizing what the other ate or didn't eat?
God, after all, invited them both to the
table. Do you have any business crossing
people off the guest list or interfering with
God's welcome? If there are corrections
to be made or manners to be learned,
God can handle that without your help.
5 Or, say, one person thinks that some
days should be set aside as holy and
another thinks that each day is pretty
much like any other. There are good
reasons either way. So, each person is
free to follow the convictions of
6-9 What's important in all this is that if
you keep a holy day, keep it for God's
sake; if you eat meat, eat it to the glory
of God and thank God for prime rib; if
you're a vegetarian, eat vegetables to the
glory of God and thank God for broccoli.
None of us are permitted to insist on our
own way in these matters. It's God we are
answerable to—all the way from life to
death and everything in between—not
each other. That's why Jesus lived and
died and then lived again: so that he
could be our Master across the entire
range of life and death, and free us from
the petty tyrannies of each other.
10-12 So where does that leave you when
you criticize a brother? And where does
that leave you when you condescend to a
sister? I'd say it leaves you looking pretty
silly—or worse. Eventually, we're all
going to end up kneeling side by side in
the place of judgment, facing God. Your
critical and condescending ways aren't
going to improve your position there one
bit. Read it for yourself in Scripture:

   "As I live and breathe," God says,
      "every knee will bow before me;
   Every tongue will tell the honest truth
      that I and only I am God."
So tend to your knitting. You've got your
hands full just taking care of your own
life before God.
MATTHEW 18:21-35
This week focuses on forgiveness as an
indispensible practice for all Christians to
offer to one another, and indeed offer to
all people, under all circumstances.
Efforts at reconciliation may fail, even at
the highest levels. People may choose not
to listen and act positively to restore a
relationship. Forgiveness does not mean
everything is resolved. Forgiveness means
that you no longer assign responsibility. 
Keep releasing, keep letting go your need
to assign blame to others for the pain you
At that point Peter got up the nerve to
ask, "Master, how many times do I forgive
a brother or sister who hurts me?

22 Jesus replied, "Seven! Hardly. Try
seventy times seven.

23-25 "The kingdom of God is like a king
who decided to square accounts with his
servants. As he got under way, one
servant was brought before him who had
run up a debt of a hundred thousand
dollars. He couldn't pay up, so the king
ordered the man, along with his wife,
children, and goods, to be auctioned off
at the slave market.

26-27 "The poor wretch threw himself at
the king's feet and begged, 'Give me a
chance and I'll pay it all back.' Touched
by his plea, the king let him off, erasing
the debt.

28 "The servant was no sooner out of the
room when he came upon one of his
fellow servants who owed him ten dollars.
He seized him by the throat and
demanded, 'Pay up. Now!'

"The poor wretch threw himself
down and begged, 'Give me a chance and
I'll pay it all back.' But he wouldn't do it.
He had him arrested and put in jail until
the debt was paid. When the other
servants saw this going on, they were
outraged and brought a detailed report to
the king.

32-35 "The king summoned the man and
said, 'You evil servant! I forgave your
entire debt when you begged me for
mercy. Shouldn't you be compelled to be
merciful to your fellow servant who asked
for mercy?' The king was furious and put
the screws to the man until he paid back
his entire debt. And that's exactly what
my Father in heaven is going to do to
each one of you who doesn't forgive un-
conditionally anyone who asks for mercy."
• 1812 - Moscow was set on fire by
Russians after Napoleon Bonaparte's
troops invaded.
• 1814 - Francis Scott Key wrote the
"Star-Spangled Banner," a poem, after
witnessing the British bombardment of
Fort McHenry, Maryland, during the War of
1812. The song became the official U.S.
national anthem on March 3, 1931.
• 1847 - U.S. forces took control of Mexico
City under the leadership of General
Winfield Scott.
• 1901 - U.S. President William McKinley
died of gunshot wounds inflicted by an
assassin. Vice President Theodore
Roosevelt, at age 42, succeeded him.
• 1948 - In New York, a groundbreaking
ceremony took place at the site of the
United Nations' World Headquarters.    
LDM Coffee in Adair U.M.C.
at 2 P.M. and at 6:30 P.M.
We recognize the contributions of Hispanic
and Latino persons to U.S. history and to
our overall current culture.

Hispanics have a strong commitment to 
family, faith, hard work and service.  
This is the anniversary of independence of 
five Latin American countries: Costa Rica,
El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and 
According to the 2010 U.S. Census, 50.5 
million people or 16% of the population 
are of Hispanic or Latino origin. 
1.1 million Hispanics or Latinos 18 years 
or older are veterans of the U.S. Armed 
Pam Muñoz Ryan used a grandmother's 
experiences in Mexico and the U.S. as 
inspiration for her latest book, 
• Esperanza Rising.
“I was born and raised in California's San 
Joaquin Valley. I grew up with aunts, 
uncles and grandparents nearby and 
consider myself truly American because 
my heritage is part Spanish, Mexican, 
Basque, Italian and Oklahoman. My grand
parents on my mother's side came to the 
U.S. from Mexico in the 1930's. I am the 
oldest of three sisters and the oldest of 
twenty-three cousins on my mother's side, 
so many of my childhood memories 
revolve around big, noisy rambunctious 
family gatherings. Today I live about 30 
miles north of San Diego, California — the 
town is called Leucadia - with my husband, 
and four children and our dogs Buster and 
Barney. Our house is six blocks from the 
Pacific Ocean and with four teenagers 
coming and going with volleyballs, beach 
towels and surfboards, my house is still 
pretty noisy! — Pam Munoz Ryan
—  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —
• 1775 - An early and unofficial American
flag was raised by Lieutenant Colonel
Isaac Mott after the seizing of Fort
Johnson from the British. The flag was
dark blue with the white word "Liberty"
spelled on it.
• 1853 - Reverend Antoinette Brown
Blackwell was ordained becoming first
female minister in the United States.
• 1858 - The first mail service began to the
Pacific Coast of the U.S. under government
contract. Coaches from the Butterfield
Overland Mail Company took 12 days to
make the journey between Tipton, Missouri
and San Francisco, California.
• 1923 - Oklahoma was placed under
martial law by Gov. John Calloway Walton
due to terrorist activity by Ku Klux Klan.
After this declaration, national newspapers
began to expose the Klan and its criminal
• 1928 - Alexander Fleming discovered the
antibiotic penicillin in the mold Penicillium
• 1935 - The Nuremberg Laws were enacted
by Nazi Germany. The act stripped all
German Jews of their civil rights and a
swastika was made official symbol of Nazi
• 1995 - The U.N. Fourth World Conference
on Women was held in Beijing.      
Happy Birthday Josie Clarke!
• 1630 - The village of Shawmut changed
its name to Boston.
• 1976 - The Episcopal Church formally
approved women to be ordained as priests
and bishops.
• 1987 - The Montreal Protocol was signed
by 24 countries in an effort to save the
Earth's ozone layer by reducing emissions
of harmful chemicals by the year 2000.
• 1998 - Universal paid $9 million for the
rights to the Dr. Seuss classics "How the
Grinch Stole Christmas" and "Oh, the
Places You'll Go."  

Dorcas-Ruth Circle at 1:30 P.M.
Hostess: Laura Smith

Esther Circle at 7 P.M.
Hostess: Darla Martin

Martha Circle in Casey U.M.C. at 7 P.M.
• 1394 - In France, Charles VI published an
ordinance expelling all Jews from France.
• 1778 - The United States signed its first
treaty with a Native American tribe, the
Delaware Nation.
• 1787 - The Constitution of the United
States of America was signed by delegates
at the Constitutional Convention.
• 1796 - U.S. President George Washington's
Farewell Address was read before the U.S.
• 1862 - The Battle of Antietam took place
during the American Civil War. More than
23,000 men were killed, wounded, or
missing. The Rebel advance was ended
with heavy losses to both groups of
American armies.
• 1930 - Construction on Boulder Dam,
later renamed Hoover Dam, began in Black
Canyon, near Las Vegas, Nevada.
• 1937 - At Mount Rushmore, Abraham
Lincoln's face was dedicated.
• 1939 - The Soviet Union invaded Poland.
Germany had invaded Poland September
Happy Birthday Joyce Lundy!
Happy Birthday Blair Carney!

Deborah-Mary Circle in Casey U.M.C.
at 2 P.M.
Pastor Melodee's Personal Interview with
District Superintendent.
• 1759 - The French formally surrendered
Quebec to the British.
• 1793 - U.S. President George Washington
laid the cornerstone of the U.S. Capitol.
• 1810 - Chile declared its independence
from Spain.
• 1851 - The first issue of "The New York
Times" was published.
• 1927 - Columbia Phonograph Broadcast
System made its debut with its network
broadcast over 16 radio stations.
The name was later changed to CBS.
• 1997 - Ted Turner, U.S. Media magnate,
announced that over the next ten years he
would give $1 billion to the United Nations.   
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19TH —————————————————————
• 1777 - The Battle of Saratoga was won by
American soldiers in the Revolutionary War.
• 1957 - The U.S. conducted its first under-
ground nuclear test. The test took place in
the Nevada desert.
• 1982 - Scott Fahlman became the first
person to use :-) in an online message.
• 1984 - China and Britain completed a
draft agreement transferring Hong Kong
from British to Chinese rule by 1997.   
Healthy Small Church Initiative
Laity Meeting in Adair U.M.C.
from 10 A.M. to 3 P.M.
• 1881 - Chester A. Arthur became the 21st
president of the U.S. as President James
A. Garfield had died the day before.
• 1946 - The first Cannes Film Festival
premiered. The original premier was
delayed in 1939 because of World War II.
• 1962 - James Meredith, a black student,
was blocked from enrolling at the
University of Mississippi by Governor
Ross R. Barnett. Meredith was later
• 1977 - The first of the "boat people"
arrived in San Francisco from Southeast
Asia in a new U.S. resettlement program.
• 1995 - The U.S. House of Representatives
voted to drop the national speed limit. This
allowed all states to decide their own
speed limits.   

• Season of Creation.

Thank you for your treasured support this 
week . . . whether muscle or monetary.
We hold your contributions dear because 
we couldn't open the doors without them.
God Bless and Keep You, Donna

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