Monday, October 1, 2012

At Adair U.M.C. @ 6:00 P.M.  
This is Pastor Melodee's day off.  For 
pastoral emergencies, she can be reached on 
her cell phone.
The first Sunday of October, is a celebration of
the unity of the worldwide church through Christ.
• World Communion Sunday was begun by the 
former Federal Council of Churches in the 1940s 
to help bring American Protestant Churches to a 
greater sense of unity by agreeing to celebrate 
Communion on the same day.  Back then, many 
Protestant churches celebrated no more than 
quarterly.  Today, most Protestants in the U.S.A. 
celebrate at least monthly, and usually on the 
first Sunday of the month.
• World Communion Sunday is an event that 

bridges denominations and spotlights our 
commonality in the Body of Christ. This world 
could be so much better if we looked for that 
which we hold in common rather than focusing 
on our differences. Today we may wish to 
celebrate the Lord’s Supper with a focus on 
Christ’s marvelous work of grace.
A SEASON OF THE SAINTS kicks off today, on 
World Communion Sunday. Today we recognize 
Christian Saint Carpus of Peragmum.  We find 
very little about him, except:
he is mentioned by Paul in one of his letters, 
• he was the Bishop of Gurdos, Lydia, and 
• among others, he was beheaded in Pergamos.
Our United Methodist Saint this week is  
Dr. Anna Howard Shaw.
Dr. Shaw had a difficult life but she definitely
made a difference.

    Shaw was born in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 
England in 1847. At the age of two, she and her 
family rode a ship to America and settled in 
Lawrence, Massachusetts. When Shaw was 
twelve years old, her father took up claim of 
three hundred and sixty acres of land in the 
wilderness of northern Michigan and sent the 
mother and five young children to live there.
     Her mother had envisioned their Michigan 
home to be an English farm with lush meadows, 
sunny skies, and daisies, but was devastated 
upon their arrival to discover that it was actually 
a forlorn and desolate log cabin in an isolated
wilderness, 40 miles from a post office and 
100 miles from a railroad. Here the family faced 
dangers like attacks from Indians and wolves 
and had several laboring responsibilities such 
as plowing the land themselves. Shaw became 
very active during this period, helping her 
siblings refurbish their home and supporting 
her mother in her time of shock and despair. 
Shaw took on several physical tasks such as 
digging a well, chopping wood for the big 
fireplace, and felling trees.
     Seeing her mother's emotional suffering, 

Shaw blamed her irresponsible father for
giving no thought to the manner in which their 
family was to make the struggle and survive the 
hardships now laid before them. Her mother 
was burdened with household and farm chores, 
so her father in Lawrence could freely give all
his time to the Abolition cause and other big 
public movements of his day.
     The family's misfortunes grew worse over 

the years. Her brother Tom was wounded in 
the Civil War.  After the war, her sister Eleanor 
died giving birth.  When Shaw was fifteen, 
she became a school teacher and used her 
earnings to help support her family. Yet with 
every ounce of the family's effort the gulf 
between their income and their expenses 
grew wider.
     As Shaw matured, her drive to attend 

college became firmer. After the Civil War, she 
abandoned her teaching job and moved in with 
her married sister Mary in Big Rapids, Michigan. 
There she hoped to learn a profitable trade, 
but she soon found that self supporting fields 
open to women were very few.
      The onset of her preaching career began 
when she met Reverend Marianna Thompson 
who was the first person who supported her 
pursuit of an education. Thanks to Thompson's 
help, Shaw entered Big Rapids High school 
where she began reciting poetry to audiences 
and taking speaking and debating classes.  At 
the age of twenty-three, Shaw was invited by 
Dr. Peck—a man looking to ordain a female
Methodist minister—to give her first sermon. 
Shaw hesitated at first because her only 
lecturing experience had been as a little girl 
preaching alone in the forest to a congregation 
of silent trees. With some encouragement 
from Dr. Peck, Shaw agreed and, over the 
course of six months, prepared her first sermon.
     Despite the success of that first sermon, her 
new found passion to preach received much 
disapproval from her classmates, friends, and 
family who agreed to pay for her college 
education only if she abandoned preaching. 
Despite such continual opposition and isolation 
from so many, Anna chose to keep preaching. 
She was deeply moved by Mary A. Livermore, 
a prominent lecturer who came to Big Rapids. 
Ms. Livermore gave her the following advice: 
“if you want to preach, go on and preach  . . . 
No matter what people say.  
Don’t let them stop you!”
    In 1873, Shaw entered Albion College, a 

Methodist school in Albion, Michigan. Since 
her family frowned upon her chosen career 
path, they refused to provide any financial 
support. At that point, Shaw had been a 
licensed preacher for three years and earned 
her wages by giving lectures on temperance.
     After graduating from Albion College, Shaw 
attended Boston University School of Theology 
in 1876. She was the only woman in her class 
of forty-two men, and she always felt the 
abysmal conviction that she was not really 
wanted there. This attitude was furthered by 
her difficulty supporting herself financially. 
Already running on a tight income, Shaw 
found it unfair that the male licensed 
preachers were given free accommodations 
in the dormitory and their board cost each 
of them $1.25 while it cost her $2 to pay 
rent of a room outside.  Additionally, 
she had trouble finding employment. 
Unlike in Albion where she was practically 
the only licensed preacher available, at 
Boston University there were many preachers 
that she had to compete with.  As she lost 
money to pay the rent, she struggled to feed
herself and felt cold, hungry, and alone. 
Now Shaw started to question whether the 
ministerial profession was meant for her. 
 In the face of these hardships, Shaw 
struggled on. In 1880, she became the first 
woman in America to be ordained in the 
Methodist Protestant Church. 
   After her ordination, Shaw went on to receive 
a Medical Degree from Boston University in 
1886. During her time in medical school, Shaw
 became an outspoken advocate of political 
rights for women.
    Beginning in 1886, Shaw served as the 

chairperson of the Franchise Department of 
Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU). 
Her task was to work for woman suffrage and 
then to use the ballot to gain 'home protection' 
and temperance legislation.  Her focus on 
temperance subsided as she became more 
heavily involved in the suffrage movement by 
lecturing for the Massachusetts Suffrage 
Association and later the American Woman 
Suffrage Association (AWSA).  
     In 1888, Shaw attended the first meeting of 
the International Council of Women as a 
representative of both the Women’s Christian 
Temperance Union and American Woman 
Suffrage Association.  At the meeting, Shaw 
met Susan B.Anthony who immediately 
encouraged her to join the National Woman 
Suffrage Association (NAWSA). Having agreed, 
Shaw played a key role in NAWSA. In 1889, she 
helped to persuade the AWSA to merge with 
Anthony's and Elizabeth Cady Stanton's NWSA, 
creating for the first time in two decades a 
semblance of organizational unity within the 
suffrage movement. Beginning in 1904 and 
for the next eleven years, Shaw was the 
president of NAWSA. Under her leadership, 
NAWSA continued to lobby for a national 
constitutional amendment granting women 
the right to vote.
    During the early 20th century, Alice Paul and 

Lucy Burns, NAWSA members, began using 
militant techniques (e.g. picketing the White 
House during World War I) to fight for women's 
suffrage. They, like other members, were 
inspired by the success of militant suffragettes 
in England.  As president of NAWSA, Shaw was 
pressured to support these tactics. Shaw 
maintained that she was unalterably opposed 
to militancy, believing that nothing of lasting
value had ever been secured by it, and the 
objective could be more easily obtained by 
peaceful methods.  She remained aligned with 
Anthony's philosophy that was against any 
militant tactics. 
This problem within NAWSA brewed much 
aggression among NAWSA members toward 
Shaw. Despite her oratorical prowess, Shaw 
lacked the administrative, organizational, and 
philosophical strengths necessary for leading 
the NAWSA.  In 1915, she resigned as NAWSA 
president and was replaced by her ally 
Carrie Chapman Catt.
    Shaw continued to lecture for the suffrage 
cause for the remaining years of her life. 
During World War I, Shaw was head of the 
Women's Committee of the United States 
Council of National Defense, for which she 
became the first woman to earn the 
Distinguished Service Medal.
    Shaw died of pneumonia at her home in 
Moylan, Pennsylvania at age seventy-two, 
only a few months before Congress ratified
the Nineteenth Amendment to the US 
Constitution giving women the right to vote.
JOB 1:22; 2:1-10
† New International Reader's Version (NIRV)
The prologue to Job sets the cosmic 

background for Job's experience of 
dramatic distress and loss and the questions 
about God's justice and human suffering 
that follow.
JOB 1:1-22
1 There was a man who lived in the land 

of Uz. His name was Job. He was honest. 
He did what was right. He had respect for 
God and avoided evil.
2 Job had seven sons and three daughters. 
3 He owned 7,000 sheep and 3,000 camels. 
He owned 500 pairs of oxen and 500 
He also had a large number of servants. 
He was the most important man 
among all of the people in the east.
4 His sons used to take turns giving 
big dinners in their homes.  
They would invite their three sisters to 
eat and drink with them.
5 When the time for enjoying good food 

was over, Job would have his children 
made pure and clean. He would sacrifice 
a burnt offering for each of them. He would 
do it early in the morning. He would think, 
"Perhaps my children have sinned. 
Maybe they have spoken evil things against 
God in their hearts."
That's what Job always did for his children
when he felt they had sinned.

6 One day angels came to the Lord. 
Satan also came with them.
7 The Lord said to Satan, "Where have 

you come from?"  Satan answered, "
From traveling all around the earth. 
I've been  going from one end of it to the other."                                                     
8 Then the Lord said to Satan, "Have you 
thought about my servant Job? There 
isn't anyone on earth like him. He is 
honest. He does what is right. He has 
respect for me and avoids evil."
9 "You always give Job everything he 

needs," Satan replied. "That's why he has
respect for  you.
10 Haven't you guarded him and his family?

Haven't you taken care of everything he
has? You have blessed everything he does. 
His flocks and herds are spread all through 
the land.
11 "But reach out your hand and strike 

down everything he has. Then I'm sure he 
will speak evil things against you. In 
fact, he'll do it right in front of you."
12 The Lord said to Satan, "All right. I 

am handing everything he has over to you. 
But do not touch the man himself."
Then Satan left the Lord and went on his 

13 One day Job's sons and daughters were

 at their oldest brother's house.  They 
were enjoying good food and drinking wine.
14 During that time a messenger came 

to Job. He said, "The oxen were plowing. 
The donkeys were eating grass near them.
15 Then the Sabeans attacked us and 

carried  the animals off. They killed some 
of the servants with their swords. I'm the 
only one who has escaped to tell you!"
16 While he was still speaking, a 

second messenger came. He said, 
"God sent lightning from the sky. It struck 
the sheep and killed them.                                  
It burned up some of the servants. 
I'm the only one who has escaped to 
tell you!"
17 While he was still speaking, a third
messenger came. He said, "The 
Chaldeans separated themselves into 
three groups.  They attacked your 
camels and carried them off. They killed 
the rest of the servants with their swords.  
I'm the only one who has escaped to 
tell you!"
18 While he was still speaking, a 

fourth messenger came. He said, 
"Your sons and daughters were at their 
oldest brother's house.  They were 
enjoying good food and wine.
19 Suddenly a strong wind blew in from 

the desert. It struck the four corners of 
the house. 
The house fell down on your children.
Now all of them are dead. I'm the only one
who has escaped to tell you!"
20 After Job heard all of those reports, he 

got up and tore his robe. He shaved his 
Then he fell to the ground and worshiped 
the Lord.
21 He said,
   "I was born naked.
      And I'll leave here naked.
   You have given, and you have taken away.
      May your name be praised."
22 In spite of everything, Job didn't sin 

by blaming God for doing anything wrong.
JOB 2:1-10

1 On another day angels came to theLord.
 Satan also came to him along with them.
2 The Lord said to Satan, "Where have 

you come from?"
Satan answered, "From traveling all around 

the earth. I've been going from one end of 
it to the other."
3 Then the Lord said to Satan, "Have you 

thought about my servant Job? There isn't 
anyone on earth like him. He is honest. He 
does what is right. He has respect for me 
and avoids evil. You tried to turn me against 
him. You wanted me to destroy him without 
any reason. But he still continues to be 
4 Satan replied, "A man will give everything 

he has to save himself.  So Job is willing to 
give up the lives of his family to save his 
own life.
5 "But reach out your hand and strike 

his flesh and bones. Then I'm sure he will 
speak evil things against you. In fact, he'll 
do it right in front of you."
6 The Lord said to Satan, "All right. I am 

handing him over to you. But you must spare  
his life."
7 Then Satan left the Lord and went on his 

way. He sent painful sores on Job. They 
covered him from the bottom of his feet to 
the top of his head. 
8 He got part of a broken pot. He used it 
to scrape his skin. He did it while he was 
sitting in ashes.
9 His wife said to him, "Are you still 

continuing to be faithful to the Lord?  
Speak evil things against him and you die!"

10 Job replied, "You are talking like a
 foolish woman. We accept good things 
from God. So we should also accept trouble 
when he sends it."  In spite of everything, 
Job didn't say anything  that was sinful.                                                                        ——————————————————————
PSALM 26 or PSALM 25 (UMH 756)
† New International Reader's Version (NIRV)
This focuses on the theme of integrity and 

asks for God's vindication on the basis of 
the integrity of the person praying.
1 Lord, when you hand down your sentence,
      let it be in my favor.
      I have lived without blame.
   I have trusted in the Lord.
      I have never doubted him.
2 Lord, test me. Try me out.
      Look deep down into my heart and mind.
3 Your love is always with me.
      I have always lived by your truth.
4 I don't spend time with people who tell lies.
      I don't keep company with pretenders.
5 I hate to be with a group of sinful people.
      I refuse to spend time with those who are evil.
6 I wash my hands to show that I'm not guilty.
      Lord, I come near your altar.
7 I shout my praise to you.
      I tell about all the wonderful things you have   

8 Lord, I love the house where you live.
      I love the place where your glory is.
9 Don't destroy me together with sinners.
      Don't take my life away along with murderers.
10 Their hands are always planning to do evil.
      Their right hands are full of money that
      bought them off.
11 But I live without blame.
      Set me free and show me your favor.
12 My feet stand on level ground.
      In the whole community I will praise the Lord.

1 Lord, I worship you.
2 My God, I trust in you.
   Don't let me be put to shame.
      Don't let my enemies win the battle over me.
3 Those who put their hope in you
      will never be put to shame.
   But those who can't be trusted
      will be put to shame. They have no excuse.
4 Lord, show me your ways.
      Teach me how to follow you.
5 Guide me in your truth. Teach me.
      You are God my Savior.
      I put my hope in you all day long.
6 Lord, remember your great mercy and love
      Shown to your people for a long time.
7 Don't recall sins committed when I was young.
      Don't remember when I didn't to obey you.
   Remember me because you love me.
      Lord, you are good.
8 The Lord is honest and good.
      He teaches sinners to walk in his ways.
9 He shows those who aren't proud how to do      

      what is right.  He teaches them his ways.
10 All of the Lord's ways are loving and faithful
      for those who obey his covenant commands.
11 Lord, be true to your name.
      Forgive my sin, even though it is great.
12 Who is the man who respects the Lord?
      God will teach him the way chosen for him.
13 Things will always go well for him.
      His children will be given the land.
14 The Lord shares his plans with those who
have respect for him.
      He makes his covenant known to them. 
15 My eyes always look to the Lord.
      He alone can set my feet free from the trap.
16 Turn to me and show me your favor.
      I am lonely and hurting.
17 The troubles of my heart have increased.
      Set me free from my great pain.
18 Look at how I'm hurting! See how I suffer!
      Take away all of my sins.
19 Look at how many enemies I have!
      See how terrible their hatred is for me!
20 Guard my life. Save me.
      Don't let me be put to shame.
      I go to you for safety.
21 May my honest and good life keep me safe.
      I have put my hope in you.
22 God, set Israel free
      from all of their troubles!

HEBREWS 1:1-4; 2:5-12
† New International Reader's Version (NIRV)
This theological treatise begins by 

declaring the glory of Jesus Christ — 
God's ultimate  messenger and Son, with 
majesty and authority above all angels, 
the pioneer and perfecter of our salvation.
1 In the past, God spoke to our people 
through the prophets. He spoke at many times. 
He spoke in different ways.
2 But in these last days, he has spoken to 

us through his Son. He is the one whom 
God appointed to receive all things. God 
made everything through him.
3 The Son is the gleaming brightness of 

God's  glory. He is the exact likeness of 
God's being. He uses his powerful word to 
hold all things together. He provided the way 
for people to be made pure from sin. Then 
he sat at the right hand of the King, the Majesty 
in heaven.
4 So he became higher than the angels. 

The name he received is more excellent 
than theirs.
HEBREWS 2:5-12

 5 God has not put angels in charge of the world 
that is going to come. We are talking about that 
6 There is a place where someone has

 given witness to it. He said,
 "What is a human being that you 

think about him?  What is the son of man that 
you take care of him?
7 You made him a little lower than the 

angels. You placed on him a crown of glory and 
8 You have put everything under his control."                                        —(Psalm 8:4-6)
So God has put everything under him. 

Everything is under his control.
We do not now see everything under his control.
9 But we do see Jesus already given a 

crown of glory and honor. He was made a 
little lower  than the angels. He suffered death. 
By the grace of God, he tasted death for 
That is why he was given his crown.
10 God has made everything. He has acted 

in exactly the right way. He is bringing his 
many sons and daughters to share in his glory.  
To do so, he has made the One who saved 
them perfect because of his sufferings.
11 The One who makes people holy and 

the people he makes holy belong to the same 
family.  So Jesus is not ashamed to call them 
his brothers and sisters.
12 He says,
   "I will announce your name to my brothers 

and sisters.
      I will sing your praises among those 

who worship you." —(Psalm 22:22)
MARK 10:2-16
† New International Reader's Version (NIRV)
Family values, Jesus-style: God has 

blessed and established the marriage 
bond as a relationship that is never to 
be discarded or reduced to disposable 
property. Jesus also blesses children 
and calls his disciples to do the same 
. . . . . never treating them as a 
nuisance or distraction. 
2 Some Pharisees came to put him to the 
test. They asked, "Does the Law allow a 
man to divorce his wife?"
3 "What did Moses command you?" he 

4 They said, "Moses allowed a man to 

write a letter of divorce and send her 
5 "You were stubborn. That's why

 Moses  wrote you this law," Jesus replied.
6 "But at the beginning of creation, 

God 'made them male and female.'—
(Genesis 1:27)
7 'That's why a man will leave his father 

and mother and be joined to his wife.
8 The two of them will become 

one.' —(Genesis 2:24) 
They are no longer two, but one.
9 So a man must not separate what 

God has joined together."
10 When they were in the house again,  

the disciples asked Jesus about this.
11 He answered, "What if a man 

divorces his wife and gets married to 
another woman? He commits adultery 
against her.
12 And what if she divorces her 

husband  and gets married to another man?   
She commits adultery."
13 People were bringing little children to 

Jesus. They wanted him to touch them. 
But the disciples told the people to stop.
14 When Jesus saw this, he was angry. 

He said to his disciples, "Let the little 
children come to me. Don't keep them away. 
God's kingdom belongs to people like them.
15 What I'm about to tell you is true. Anyone 

who will not receive God's kingdom like a 
little child will never enter it."
16 Then he took the children in his arms. 

He put his hands on them and blessed them. 
This is Columbus Day
Many countries in the new world and elsewhere
celebrate the anniversary of the arrival of
Christopher Columbus in the Americas, which
occurred on October 12, 1492, as an official
holiday.  It is celebrated as Columbus Day in
the United States, as Día de la Raza in many
countries in Latin America, as Discovery Day in
the Bahamas, as Día de la Hispanidad,  
Fiesta Nacional in Spain, Día del Respeto a 
la Diversidad Cultural (Day of Respect for
Cultural Diversity) in Argentina and as
Día de las Américas (Day of the Americas) in
Uruguay. These holidays have been celebrated
unofficially since the late 18th century

• Blood Drive at St. John's Lutheran in Casey 
Open 3-6:30 PM -  
Charge Conference Forms A and B and
SPRC Consultation are due.
Pastor Melodee going to Course of Study.
Gary DeGuest will cover for her.
Combined Worship in Adair U.M.C. 
at 10:00 A.M.
• Dorcas-Ruth Circle will meet at 1:30 P.M.
 in Adair.
• Martha Circle will meet at 7 P.M. in 
Casey U.M.C. to make mincemeat.
• Esther Circle will meet at 7 P.M. with hostess, 
Megan Farnsworth
• Deborah-Mary Circle will meet at 2 P.M.
in Casey U.M.C.
U.M.C. AT 7 P.M.  All Forms are due. 
Thank you for your contributions this week.
It all helps to keep up the momentum.

God Bless and Keep You,
Pastor Melodee


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